How To Learn a Foreign Language On Your Own For Kids

How To Learn A foreign language on your own

How To Learn A Foreign Language On Your Own: What Research Says

The benefits of how to learn a foreign language on your own are well-documented: Learning another language on your own improves your cognitive abilities and increases your brain capacity. So when is the best age and what is the best method to learn a new language on your own? Throughout our lives, there are different moments in which becoming proficient in a foreign language will yield different results. There is no “ideal” age for learning a new language, but each period of our life presents its own unique opportunities and challenges. Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of starting to learn a foreign language at different stages of life.

How to learn a foreign languange on your own as a Child

Children have a natural curiosity and hunger to understand the world. They also have no language barriers and are able to grasp new concepts and patterns quickly and easily. They have the potential to become perfectly fluent in a language far beyond what an adult would be able to learn. What’s more, learning a language as a child can have long-term benefits. These include improved problem-solving skills, better memory, and improved attention span.

On the other hand, are there downsides to learning a language as a child? Some researchers argue that children are much less likely to have the appropriate self-discipline required to learn a language. It’s true that they are more easily distracted, have shorter attention spans, and are more likely to give up on a language if it becomes too challenging. But the bottom line is that the advantages of learning a new language far outweigh the disadvantages.

>> Also interesting: How To Improve Speaking English For Kids

For Teenagers: How to learn a foreign language on your own

Teenagers are often thought of as being lazy and irresponsible. However, they are also known for having peaked in their abilities, including linguistic abilities. The brain of a teen is still developing and has the capability to “rewire” it and make new connections. This is known as neuroplasticity, and it makes the teenage brain particularly good for learning new concepts, as it will pick up on patterns and connections much more quickly than an adult would (which makes it way easier to become fluent in a second language).

If you’re interested in how to learn a foreign language on your own as a teenager, you’re likely to continue using that language for the rest of your life. This means that you’re likely to become proficient in the language and be able to confidently communicate with native speakers.

How To Learn A Foreign Language On Your Own

When it Comes to Learning, the Adult Brain Works differently!

Adults have the benefit of coming with a certain level of experience and maturity. When adults ask themselves how to learn a foreign language on your own they’re likely more confident about it, and have a greater level of self-discipline and be more likely to stick with the respective language until they are satisfied with the level of proficiency. Younger people are often more easily distracted by things like social media and are more likely to give up on difficult tasks.

Adults are able to focus on one thing for long periods of time and are better able to pick up on the intricacies of a new language. On the downside, however, they’re unlikely ever to be completely fluent in the language. This is because an adult brain is no longer developing, without having the opportunity to “rewire” the brain and make new connections.

How to learn a foreign language on your own, the best age and methods: Summing up

According to our experience the best time, age or method to start learning a language on your own is a matter of personal choice and circumstances. However, there are certain periods of life when it is easier to become proficient in a new language:

Childhood, when you are young and still developing.

Adolescence, when your brain is rewiring itself.

Adulthood, when you’re at your most mature and focused.

Regardless of when you decide to start learning a language, there is always a multitude of benefits to being multilingual. These include being more employable, having a better understanding of other cultures, and being more likely to travel. So why not pick up a new language today?