Kylie Chen
“I came into contact with the online English teaching company KIDLingoo because I wanted to find an online English course for my 5-year-old son Henry. However, there seem to be very few companies in the market that can teach such small children. I remember to have recognized first that Kidlingoo emphasizes the TPR (Total Physical Response) method, which I didn’t see in other companies. With TPR, the teacher performs what is taught with the help of gestures, facial expressions, sounds and movements, but I was wondering how that would really work during the lesson.
The teacher fills up the whole screen
I have tried other online English courses for children. Usually there were two small screens for the teacher and the child, and the teaching material is the main screen for teaching. But KIDLingoo’s teaching is different and very special. A high percentage of the teacher’s screen fills the entire screen. During the lesson, the teacher did a lot of engaging body movements with Henry, and he often laughed and they kind of played with each other.
So it felt like it’s not distance teaching at all! It breaks the barrier of distance, and the interactivity is almost the same as if we were face-to-face with the teacher. Some animations even appeared just in front of us, as if we could grab these fruits, potatoes or eat ice cream. In addition, the teacher also prepares physical homework to print out at home for children who are not focused enough to learn. Very helpful.
My sister’s daughter has taken other online English teaching courses, but the interactivity was nothing to speak of compared to Kidlingoo. She told me that her daughter often just plays with the teaching material instead of interacting with the teacher. And that these other teachers are not enthusiastic enough. Well the opposite is true for my experience with Kidlingoo, their trial teacher was very engaged, she loved to smile and laughed a lot and encouraged Henry to speak to her. So I decided to sign up with Kidlingoo, and have not regretted it one second.
Engaging and interesting teaching material
I personally think that another highlight of KIDlingoo is the option taking math classes taught in English, but for my 5-year-old Henry it might be a challenge and he has not been taught math classes before. However, math is part of each lesson anyway, and it looks like Henry loves to learn. I saw hippos eating watermelons and funny potatoes counting numbers. I don’t know. Unexpectedly, Henry started counting in English. I am really happy and find Kidlingoo’s material the most vivid and interesting I have ever seen. And the teacher is so full of enthusiasm!
After class, we are asked to review the KIDlingoo (trial) lesson, which of course we are happy to do. Anyway, I am very glad to have found such great and engaging online teaching for my kid!”
Experience from New Taipei City – Miss Chen