The names of body parts play a significant role in our lives, and knowing them contributes to health awareness and effective communication for adults and children alike. This knowledge serves as a stepping stone for further studies in biology, anatomy, and medicine.
Understanding body parts name in English breaks language barriers and educates from early years on. By studying detailed pictures of the body, kids can become more informed about its physical structure and maintain their well-being.
So let’s embrace this opportunity to learn and explore human body parts!
Table of Contents
Understanding Body Parts Names
Understanding the important parts of the human body is essential for various reasons. Firstly, it promotes health literacy and enables effective communication when health problems arise. When children are aware of the specific body parts they are referring to, they can accurately describe their symptoms, injuries, or health concerns, leading to better diagnosis and treatment.
Secondly, knowing the organs of the human body is vital for educational purposes. Young students learning biology, anatomy of internal parts, or medical sciences can grasp complex concepts more easily when they can identify and name different body parts outside and inside the human body. This knowledge forms the foundation for advanced studies in medical fields and contributes to a more informed society.
Additionally, awareness of body parts names aids in promoting personal hygiene and self-care. When kids and young adults know the names of various body parts, they can better understand how to care for them, maintain hygiene, and prevent potential infections or injuries.
Body Parts Name in English
In the world of human anatomy there’s a lot to discover about the body parts that shape our existence: From the eyes to the fingertips, each name is a door to the secrets of our bodies. Let curiosity be your guide as we find out all about the human body parts and their names in English:
Face Parts Name in English
The face is a fundamental part of human identity and expression. Understanding the various facial features enhances communication and helps convey emotions accurately. The key visible body parts of the face in English include:
- Forehead: The part of the face above the eyes and below the hairline.
- Eyes: The organs responsible for vision.
- Eyebrows: The patches of hair above the eyes that protect them from sweat and debris and contribute to facial expressions.
- Eyelids: The thin folds of skin that cover and protect the eyes.
- Eyelashes: The short hairs that grow on the edges of the eyelids and help protect the eyes from dust and debris.
- Cheeks: The fleshy parts on the sides of the face, beneath the eyes, and next to the nose.
- Chin: The prominent bony area at the bottom of the face, below the lower lip.
- Nose: The central part of the face, responsible for smell and breathing.
- Ears: Organs of hearing and balance located on either side of the head.
- Mouth: The mouth plays a significant role in communication and digestion.
- Lips: The fleshy, movable folds that surround the mouth’s opening.
- Teeth: The hard structures in the mouth used for biting and chewing food.
Upper Body Parts Names
Now let’s explore the essential parts of the upper body, from the head and neck to the arms and chest, gaining insights into human structure and function. The key upper human body parts name in English include:
- Neck: The slender part of the body connecting the head to the shoulders.
- Shoulders: The broad areas on either side of the neck that connect the arms to the upper body.
- Upper Arm: The portion of the arm between the shoulder and elbow.
- Elbow: The joint connecting the upper and lower arms.
- Forearm: The part of the arm between the elbow and wrist.
- Wrist: The joint connecting the forearm to the hand.
- Palm: The central part of the hand.
- Fingers: The five fingers (Thumb; Index finger (also known as the Pointer finger); Middle finger; Ring finger; Little finger (also known as the Pinky finger) are attached to the palm.
- Chest: The area between the neck and abdomen, containing the ribcage and breastbone. protects vital organs and aids in respiration.
- Abdomen: The region between the chest and pelvis, housing the stomach and other digestive organs.

Lower Body Parts Name
We continue to the lower body’s anatomy, including the legs, feet, and pelvis, unraveling the complexities of human movement and support systems. The key lower external body parts in English include:
- Hips: The sides of the body, between the waist and thighs, they support the upper body.
- Pelvis: The bony structure at the base of the spine, connecting the spine to the legs. Plays a crucial role in stability and movement.
- Thigh: The upper part of the leg between the hip and knee.
- Knee: The joint between the thigh and lower leg.
- Calf: The back of the lower leg, between the knee and ankle.
- Ankle: The joint connecting the leg to the foot.
- Foot: The part of the leg that makes contact with the ground, consisting of the sole, toes, and heel. Feet aid in the coordination to help us perform our daily important functions of walking.
Knowing all these body parts in English lays the foundation for understanding human anatomy more comprehensively. In the following section, we will explore the body parts in Hindi, catering to a broader audience with diverse language preferences.
Body Parts in Hindi
You’ll gain a deeper understanding of our physical structure and function when you see the human anatomy through a scientific lens. Find out more about the names of various basic body parts names in Hindi, from “आंखें” (eyes) to “पैर” (feet).
Face Parts Name in Hindi and English
The face holds immense significance in human interactions and expressions. Here are the face parts’ names in Hindi:
- माथा (Maatha) – Forehead
- भौंहें (Bhauṁheṅ) – Eyebrows
- पलकें (Palken) – Eyelids
- पलकों के बाल (Palkon ke Baal) – Eyelashes
- आंखें (Aankhen) – Eyes
- नाक (Naak) – Nose
- गाल (Gaala) – Cheeks
- कान (Kaan) – Ears
- होंठ (Honṭh) – Lips
- ठण्ड (Thanḍ) – Chin
- दाँत (Dānt) – Teeth

Upper Body Name Parts
The key upper body parts in Hindi include:
- गरदन (Gardan) – Neck
- कंधे (Kandhe) – Shoulders
- बांह (Bānh) – Upper Arm
- कोहनी (Kohinī) – Elbow
- कलाई (Kalāī) – Forearm
- कलाई की कलाई (Kalāī kī Kalāī) – Wrist
- हाथ की कड़ी (Hāth kī Karī) – Palm
- उंगलियाँ (Uṅgliyān) – Fingers
- छाती (Chhaati) – Chest
- पेट (Pet) – Abdomen
Kamar in English Body Part
“कमर” (pronounced as “kamar”) in English refers to the “waist” or the region between the ribs and the hips. It is the part between the upper and lower body that typically narrows and is located just above the hips.
Lower Body Name Parts
The key lower body parts in Hindi include:
- कमर (Kamar) – Hips
- पेड़ (Pehr) – Pelvis
- जांघ (Jāngh) – Thigh
- घुटना (Ghutnā) – Knee
- टखना (Takhnā) – Ankle
- टांग (Ṭāng) – Calf
- पाँव (Pāṅv) – Foot
Learning these body names in Hindi enables children to communicate effectively and enhances their understanding of human anatomy. These specific expressions are also of interest:
Angon Ke Naam
अंगों के नाम (pronounced as “angon ke naam”) means “Names of body parts” in English. It refers to the various parts of the body that make up the human anatomy, such as the head, eyes, nose, arms, legs, and other organs and structures.
Sharir Ke Ango Ke Naam
In a similar fashion, शरीर के अंगों के नाम is a Hindi phrase that also translates to “Names of body parts” in English. It refers to the various important body parts and their functions.
Manav Sharir
मानव शरीर (pronounced as “manav sharir”) means “Human body” in English. मानव शरीर refers to the physical structure of the human organism, which includes various systems, organs, tissues, and cells that work together to sustain life and perform various functions.

Internal Body Parts: Organs
The human body is a remarkable amalgamation of intricate organs and systems working synergistically to sustain life. Among the essential organs are the heart, located in the chest and pumping blood throughout the body, and the two bean-shaped kidneys, aiding in waste filtration and maintaining fluid balance.
The organ system is a complex network where organs collaborate to perform specific functions. For instance, the digestive system helps in digestion and nutrient absorption, while the musculoskeletal system, protected by the torso, facilitates locomotion. Internal body parts and organs include:
- Brain: The most important part of the human body is the brain. It controls basically everything.
- Heart: The heart is located in the chest and is a powerful muscular organ responsible for pumping blood throughout the body, ensuring oxygen and nutrient delivery. It’s protected by the torso.
- Kidneys: These bean-shaped organs (we have two kidneys), play a crucial role in waste filtration, maintaining fluid balance, and regulating blood pressure.
- Digestive System: This vital system aids in digestion and nutrient absorption, breaking down food to provide energy and essential nutrients. Essential for a healthy life!
- Respiratory System: Lungs, located in the ribcage, facilitate the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide during respiration.
- Stomach: A muscular organ in the abdomen that plays a vital role in digestion by breaking down food and mixing it with gastric juices to form chyme.
- Intestines: Long, tube-like organs in the digestive system responsible for absorbing nutrients from food and eliminating waste from the body.
- Bladder: A hollow, muscular organ in the lower abdomen that stores urine before it is eliminated from the body through the urethra.

Specific Male Body Parts
Understanding the specific parts of the body unique to males is crucial for comprehending male anatomy and addressing health-related concerns. Here are the essential male body parts:
- Penis – लिंग (Ling): The male reproductive organ responsible for urination and sexual intercourse.
- Testicles – अंडकोष (Andkosh): The two small, egg-shaped organs located in the scrotum, responsible for sperm production and hormone secretion.
- Prostate – प्रोस्टेट (Prostate): A small gland located near the bladder, playing a vital role in producing seminal fluid that nourishes and protects sperm.
- Scrotum – बगल (Bagal): The external pouch-like structure that contains the testicles.
Understanding Male Anatomy
Understanding male anatomy is essential for promoting overall wellness. Knowing the male body’s unique characteristics can aid in recognizing potential health issues, making informed decisions about reproductive health, and seeking appropriate medical care.
The male reproductive system consists of both external and internal organs. External organs, like the penis and testicles, play a crucial role in fertility. Internal male organs, such as the prostate, contribute to reproductive processes.
Aside from reproductive organs, males share many body parts with females. Understanding the similarities and differences in male and female anatomy is essential for educators, and individuals seeking to learn more about human biology.
Now let’s get to our all-inclusive overview of 50 body parts and their English names!
50 Body Parts Name (English-Hindi List)
All Body Parts Name: List of 50
Below is an extensive list of 50 body parts name in English and Hindi, encompassing various regions of the human body. With this comprehensive and bilingual overview, you can easily access body parts names in both English and Hindi, to broaden your knowledge of human anatomy and facilitate effective cross-cultural communication.
Body Parts in English | Body Parts in Hindi |
Head | सिर (Sir) |
Hair | बाल (Baḷ) |
Forehead | माथा (Maatha) |
Eyebrows | भौंहें (Bhauṁheṅ) |
Eyelids | पलकें (Palken) |
Eyelashes | पलकों के बाल (Palkon ke Baal) |
Eyes | आंखें (Aankhen) |
Nose | नाक (Naak) |
Cheeks | गाल (Gaala) |
Ears | कान (Kaan) |
Lips | होंठ (Honṭh) |
Teeth | दाँत (Dānt) |
Tongue | जीभ (Jībh) |
Chin | ठण्ड (Thanḍ) |
Neck | गरदन (Gardan) |
Shoulders | कंधे (Kandhe) |
Chest | छाती (Chhaati) |
Abdomen | पेट (Pet) |
Navel | नाभि (Nābhi) |
Back | पीठ (Pīṭh) |
Waist | कमर (Kamar) |
Hips | कूल्हे (Kūlhē) |
Buttocks | पिछवाड़ा (Pichvāḍā) |
Thighs | जांघ (Jāngh) |
Knees | घुटने (Ghuṭane) |
Calves | टखना (Ṭakhnā) |
Ankles | पैर की कटिवाँ (Pair kī Kaṭivāṁ) |
Feet | पैर (Pair) |
Toes | पैर की उंगलियाँ (Pair kī Uṅgliyāṁ) |
Arm | बांह (Bānh) |
Elbow | कोहनी (Kohinī) |
Forearm | कलाई (Kalāī) |
Wrist | कलाई की कलाई (Kalāī kī Kalāī) |
Palm | हाथ की कड़ी (Hāth kī Karī) |
Fingers | उंगलियाँ (Uṅgliyān) |
Palm Lines | हाथ की रेखाएँ (Hāth kī Rekhāēṁ) |
Nails | नाखून (Nākhūn) |
Leg | टांग (Ṭāng) |
Shin | पिंडली (Piṁḍlī) |
Heel | एड़ी (Eṛī) |
Sole | पैर की तलवा (Pair kī Talvā) |
Toenails | पैर के नाखून (Pair ke Nākhūn) |
Joints | जोड़ (Joḍ) |
Knuckels | मुट्ठी की जोड़ी (Muṭṭhī kī Joḍī) |
Veins | नस (Nas) |
Arteries | धमनी (Dhamnī) |
Ribs | पसली (Pasilī) |
Collarbone | कलाई की हड्डी (Kalāī kī Haḍḍī) |
Spine | रीढ़ (Rīḍh) |
Brain | मस्तिष्क (Mastiṣk) |
With this comprehensive list, you can deepen your and your kids’ knowledge of body parts names and enhance communication in both English and Hindi. In the subsequent sections, we will provide visual guides, including images of human body parts with names, and further resources to aid in learning human anatomy effectively.
Pictures of Human Body Parts with Names
To enhance the understanding and identification of human body parts, here are detailed images showcasing each body part mentioned earlier. The images serve as a valuable reference for visual learners, providing clarity and accuracy in recognizing different anatomical features.
Illustrations & Images of body parts for Clear Visualization
Visual aids play a crucial role in making complex information accessible and memorable. The meticulously designed illustrations will serve as a practical tool for easy identification of body parts, fostering effective learning and comprehension.

They provide clear visualization of body parts, highlighting key features for better understanding. Whether used for educational purposes or personal knowledge, these illustrations offer valuable insights into human anatomy.
Visual Guide: Body Parts Images
In this section, we present an additional comprehensive collection of images covering all major body parts. From head to toe, each image is accompanied by its corresponding English and Hindi name, offering a rich resource for those seeking to expand their knowledge of human anatomy.

Conclusion & Recap
Understanding the names of different body parts is of utmost importance in various aspects of life. It empowers adults and children alike to communicate effectively about health, promotes health literacy, and facilitates better self-care and hygiene practices. Moreover, knowledge of body parts fosters an informed and curious mindset toward human anatomy, driving lifelong learning and well-being.
Remember, the study of human anatomy is not limited to a single language or a specific profession. It is a journey of discovery, self-awareness, and appreciation for the intricacies of our bodies. Embrace the opportunity to learn more about body parts in both English and Hindi, and take advantage of the visual guides and pictures provided to deepen your understanding of the remarkable human form.
As you continue your exploration of body parts name, share this knowledge with others, and together, let’s celebrate the marvel of human anatomy. Happy learning!
FAQs About Body Parts Name
The main parts of our body names are: Mouth (eating), Shoulder (arm movements), Knee (leg mobility), Neck (connects head to body), Arms (reaching and grabbing), Chest (protects heart and lungs), Tongue (taste and speech), Stomach (digesting food).
There are 10 major parts and systems in the body, including the Skeletal, Muscular, Nervous, Cardiovascular, Lymphatic, Respiratory, Digestive, Endocrine, Urinary, and Reproductive systems.
The 5 most important body parts of humans include five organs that are considered vital for survival, namely the heart, brain, kidneys, liver, and lungs.
The brain is the human body’s most important part. With its commanding role, it controls actions, emotions, thoughts, memories, and sensations, defining our personality and shaping who we are as individuals.
- The human body parts have fascinating English names and shapes.
- Kids can learn English easily with the parts of the body, making learning truly fun.
- Body parts name in English and Hindi helps kids to deeply appreciate our diverse nature.